![]() 10月12日,在老撾烏多姆賽舉辦的第八屆世界朋友節慶祝大會上,《世界土著文化發展聯盟·聯合宣言》正式發表。這是全球土著文化發展的一個新的起點,聯合宣言的發布標志著全球土著居民開始走向相互聯系,相互學習,相互支持的資源共享、聯合發展之路。 宣言強調,土著文化是人類文化的重要組成部分,是全人類的寶貴財富,保護挖掘,整理展示,整體發展好土著文化,不但是土著居民自身的需求,更是人類社會的共同責任。世界土著文化發展聯盟,將成為土著居民的共享大家庭,將主動承擔起這一歷史責任,在鏈接各國土著部落的同時,為全球土著部落居民之間加強溝通,增進友誼,資源共享,共同發展提供全方位服務。 世界土著文化發展聯盟是由世界朋友節組委會牽頭,世界大健康產業聯合會、世界詩歌藝術聯合會、中國詩歌萬里行組委會、中詩網、協合生物集團、共享產業集團、發起創建,由世界朋友節活動創始人張井濤倡議提出并聯合眾多中外有識之士共同推動啟動。 宣言由世界朋友節組委會主席張井濤起草并宣讀漢文,由世界大健康產業聯合會秘書長陳彥竹宣讀英文,由老撾文化旅游廳長宣讀老文。 活動中,世界朋友節組委會主席張井濤,老撾烏多姆賽省政府門孔省長及相關領導,澳大利亞山脈部落酋長Marshall Foster(馬歇爾福斯特),中國詩歌萬里行組委會秘書長祁人,世界詩歌藝術聯合會常務主席李犁,全球大健康產業聯合會秘書長陳彥竹,老中劍峰橡膠開發有限公司總經理賀興忠、副總經理賀飛雄,中國醫藥物資協會顧問杜玉祥,遼寧環保工程優先公司董事長馬成海等嘉賓,一起為世界土著文化發展聯盟舉行了啟動儀式。儀式中,澳大利亞山脈部落酋長Marshall Foster(馬歇爾福斯特)發表了感言,他對聯盟的創建給予了高度評價,他說,“聯盟將成為全球土著部落居民的溫暖大家庭,將為土著文化的共同發展帶來福音!” 世界土著文化發展聯盟的創建,將為促進一帶一路和人類命運共同體的進一步發展,開辟出一條新的路徑。 ![]() 《世界土著文化發展聯盟•聯合宣言》 隨著現代科技的迅猛發展,人類已開始步入AI時代。地球,這個我們賴以生存的唯一家園,正經歷人類文明發展的前所未有的沖擊和洗禮。 從石器時代到青銅時代,從青銅時代到農業時代,從農業時代到工業時代,從工業時代到信息時代,直至今天,人類經歷了漫長的、波瀾壯闊的演化。回眸過去,當我們贊嘆人類偉大歷程的同時,也不無遺憾地發現,我們離自己的過去越來越遠,足跡也越來越不清晰。 人類,這一宇宙中擁有夢想的獨特生命,需要奔赴星辰大海,同樣,也需要厘清來路,更好地照見未來! 值得欣喜的是,在人類的發展進程中,土著文化以其強大的生命力,一直薪火相傳,就如一顆顆散落在全球各地的璀璨明珠,標注著我們的來路,同時,也注目著我們的未來。 當前,人類文明由星球文明向星際文明的跨越路徑愈來愈清晰,但人類走得越快越遠,土著文化,這些帶有人類古老文明芬芳的“瑰寶”就愈加顯得彌足珍貴。 今天,我們共同發起創建“世界土著文化發展聯盟”,就是要把這一人類熠熠生輝的散落在全球各地的珍寶串聯起來,通過全社會、全人類的力量,來“保護、挖掘、整理、展示、繼承、發展”這一彌足珍貴的文化資源,再現人類遠古文明的獨特魅力,為人類的美好未來提供更加充沛的源頭文化滋養,以及永遠的靈魂慰藉! 在此聯盟創建之際,我們共同向全球、全社會發出呼吁,我們有責任、有義務守護好這一人類的共同寶貴資產,并使之發揚光大! 1、聯盟將全力鏈接世界土著部落群體,組織整合世界土著文化資源,使其共生共榮,常青不敗! 2、在這一事業啟動之后,聯盟首先要整合首批響應地區“土著文化”資源,并在適當時機,組織推動召開“首屆世界土著文化發展聯盟大會”。可以想見,當全球各地的不同的土著文化藝術表演樣式薈萃一堂,那將足以震撼世界! 3、聯盟將每兩年組織召開一屆世界土著文化聯盟大會,每次大會將設立不同主題,如部落藝術表演主題、飲食主題、文化習俗主題、婚禮主題等等,逐步展現世界土著文化的多樣性和豐富多彩,以及原始文化的魅力和現代價值。 4、在此基礎上,我們將通過招商引資,努力把這一事業在各個土著地區實體化,即,在世界各地建立:世界土著文化展覽館,相互介紹不同地區的土著文化歷史及現狀,促進其共同展示傳播,共同繁榮發展。 5、組織學者、旅行者等,以土著文化為主題,把世界各地的土著文化資源串聯起來,形成“黃金文化路線”,開展主題文化考察和旅行,加深世人對遠古文化的了解與理解,增強保護意識,更好地為其服務。 6、構建世界土著文化發展聯盟體系。在聯盟中,我們將組建“酋長聯誼會”、“遠古文化愛心聯誼會”、“遠古文化藝術挖掘聯誼會”等等分支機構,建立各自的長效聯系機制,更好促進其向專業化發展。 老撾是一個有著悠久歷史、古老文明的國度,不但文化傳承豐富多彩,而且,擁有多個土著聚居地。可以說,老撾既人杰地靈,福地宜人,又為保護人類古文明的香火做出了獨特貢獻! 今天,我們在老撾烏多姆賽這一寶地、在第八屆世界朋友節舉辦之日,共同發起創建世界土著文化發展聯盟,可謂天時地利人和俱備,實乃天意!相信,若干年后,當人類回憶起今天,一定會贊嘆我們的善舉! 今天,我們開創了世界土著文化發展的新時代! 2023年10月12日于烏多姆賽 ![]() Joint Declaration -- World Indigenous Cultural Development Union With the rapid development of modern technology, humanity has begun to enter the AI era. The Earth, the only home on which we rely for survival, is experiencing unprecedented impacts and baptism from the development of human civilization. From the Stone Age to the Bronze Age, from the Bronze Age to the Agricultural Age, from the Agricultural Age to the Industrial Age, from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, and to this day, humanity has undergone a long and magnificent evolution. Looking back at the past, while we admire the great journey of humanity, we also regretfully find that we are getting further and further away from our past, and our footprints are becoming increasingly unclear. Humanity, a unique life with dreams in this universe, needs to rush to the sea of stars. Similarly, it also needs to clarify its origin and better illuminate the future! It is gratifying that in the process of human development, indigenous culture, with its strong vitality, has been passed down like shining pearls scattered around the world, marking our path of origin and also paying attention to our future. At present, the path of human civilization's transition from planetary civilization to interstellar civilization is becoming increasingly clear, but the faster and farther humans go, the more precious these "treasures" with the fragrance of ancient human civilization become. Today, we jointly launch the creation of the "World Indigenous Cultural Development Union", which aims to connect this shining treasure of humanity scattered around the world. Through the efforts of the whole society and humanity, we aim to "protect, excavate, organize, showcase, inherit and develop" this precious cultural resource, reproduce the unique charm of ancient human civilization, and provide more abundant source cultural nourishment for the beautiful future of humanity and eternal soul solace! On the occasion of the creation of this Union, we collectively appeal to the world and society as a whole. We have a responsibility and obligation to protect this common precious asset of humanity and make it flourish! 1. The Union will fully link global native tribal groups, organize and integrate world indigenous cultural resources, so that they can coexist and thrive, and remain undefeated forever! 2. After the launch of this cause, the Union first needs to integrate the first batch of "Indigenous Culture" resources in the response area, and at the appropriate time, organize and promote the convening of the "First World Indigenous Cultural Development Union Conference". It can be imagined that when different indigenous cultural and artistic performance styles from around the world come together, it will be enough to shake the world! 3. The Union will organize a world indigenous cultural union conference every two years, each conference will set up different themes, such as tribal art performance, food, cultural customs, wedding and so on, gradually showcasing the diversity and richness of world indigenous culture, as well as the charm and modern value of primitive culture. 4. On this basis, we will strive to materialize this cause in various aboriginal regions through investment attraction, that is, establish world indigenous cultural exhibition halls around the world, introduce the history and current situation of native culture in different regions, promote their joint display and dissemination, and promote common prosperity and development. 5. Organize scholars, travelers, and others to connect indigenous cultural resources from around the world with the theme of indigenous culture, forming a "golden cultural route". Conduct themed cultural inspections and trips, deepen people's understanding and understanding of ancient culture, enhance protection awareness, and better serve them. 6. Build a world union system for indigenous cultural development. In the alliance, we will establish branches such as the "Chieftain Association", "Ancient Culture Love Association", and "Ancient Culture and Art Exploration Association" to establish their own long-term contact mechanisms and better promote their professional development. Laos is a country with a long history and ancient civilization. It not only has rich and colorful cultural heritage, but also has multiple indigenous settlements. It can be said that Laos not only has outstanding people and pleasant land, but also has made unique contributions to protecting the incense of ancient human civilization! Today, we are in the precious land of Oudomxay, Laos, and on the day of the 8th World Friends Day, jointly launching the creation of the World Indigenous Cultural Development Union. It can be said that the timing, location and people are in harmony, which is indeed fate! I believe that in a few years, when humans recall today, they will surely praise our good deeds! Today, we have inaugurated a new era of world indigenous cultural development! October 12, 2023 Udomxay (責任編輯:土火) |